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Eyelid Aesthetics

Length of Stay in Hospital
1 Day
Length of Stay in the City
5 Days
Recovery Duration
5-7 Days
Operation Duration
1-2 Hours
Type of Anesthesia
Local or General Anesthesia
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As you age, your eyelids stretch and the muscles that support your eyelids weaken. As a result, excess fat can collect on and under the eyelids, causing bags under your eyebrows, upper eyelids, and just above the eyelids. A droopy eyelid creates an older, severely sagging appearance around your eyes, as well as limiting your profile view (peripheral vision), especially the upper and outer parts of the visual field.


By removing excess skin and fat from droopy eyelids, eyelid aesthetic (blepharoplasty) can reduce these vision problems and make your eyes look younger and more alert.

In Which Situations Is Eyelid Aesthetic Recommended?

  • When the upper eyelid droops and the quality of vision begins to decrease,

  • When the eyelid droops from under the eyebrow to the eyelid and eliminate the lid line,

  • If the skin on the upper eyelid droops and starts to move towards the outer corners of the eye,

  • If the upper eyelid is more swollen than normal (some people like this look, some people complain that they look old and pale),

  • If eye makeup cannot be applied due to eyelid hooding,

  • If the person feels the need to lift their forehead up constantly due to the decreased vision quality, it may be the time to have eyelid aesthetic.

How Eyelid Operation is Performed?

In upper eyelid surgery, the upper eyelid is anesthetized with local anaesthesia. After the skin is removed, some of the underlying muscle is also removed. The inner and midline fat pads are reached and some of the herniated fat pads are also removed. If there is a sagging in the tear gland, it hangs up. The skin is closed with dissolvable stitches and the process is terminated.

A similar technique is applied in lower eyelid surgery and the lower eyelid is anesthetized with local anaesthesia. Skin and muscle are lifted. The inner, middle and outer fat pads are reached and some of the herniated fat pads are removed. Afterwards, some of the excess muscle and skin is removed. The skin is closed with dissolvable stitches and the process is terminated.

Recovering Process After Eyelid Operation


  • Most patients complete the recovery process within 10-14 days. However, full recovery may take several months.

  • As the swelling and bruises decrease after the operation, the shape of eyelids is revealed; face gains a youthful and more alert appearance.

  • Lubricating ointment and cold compresses can be applied during the operation, and in some cases, eyes can be loosely closed with gauze patch after the procedure is completed.

  • Specific practices will be prescribed by your doctor, which may include how to care of your eyes, medications to aid healing and the potential for infection, any special concerns you need to watch out for at the surgical area or for your general health. Thus, you will know what to do post-operative.

  • There may be some discomforts such as swelling, bruises, irritation, dry eyes in the recovery process. These can be controlled with medication, cold compresses and ointments. Irritation at the incision site is also possible. However, these pass over time.

  • Until the recovery period is complete, patients should avoid the sun and wear black sunglasses.

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Walk-through: What's next?

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First Contact

From the very first contact, we will explore your situation in-depth and start planning the path to the beauty.


Doctor Choice

We will connect you with the best doctors in their fields for your special needs.



We will assist you to plan your trip and give you advises on city tours.


Transport and Transfer

Based on your operation schedule, you will fly to Istanbul on the most convenient date for you. From then on, your transfers and appointments will be arranged by us.


Operation Day

You will be in right hands to reveal your beauty on the date of the operation.



When your procedures are done, you will return home to enjoy your new life.

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