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Tummy Tuck

Length of Stay in Hospital
1 Day
Length of Stay in the City
7 Days
Recovery Duration
1-2 Weeks
Operation Duration
2-4 Hours
Type of Anesthesia
General Anesthesia
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A tummy tuck can be applied to both men and women for sagging skin tissue, loss of firmness, and weakened abdominal muscles due to weight gain and loss.


Abdominal sagging, which has become an important problem especially for postpartum women, can be treated with a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) operation, and a tight and fit abdomen can be achieved easily in a short time. It can also be combined with liposuction to be performed on the stomach and waist area during this operation.

Tummy Tuck


  • An incision is made from the bikini area to the sides to remove the entire excess skin fold,

  • The loosened abdominal muscles are tightened with sutures,

  • Abdominal skin is pulled down, then excess skin and subcutaneous fat are removed,

  • If the tissue to be removed covers the belly button, a new hole is made in the skin and a new belly button is created,

  • In this technique, excess skin and flabby muscles of both above and below the navel level are corrected,

  • Abdominal skin is closed with aesthetic sutures.

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Mini Tummy Tuck


  • It is preferred when the excess skin on the abdomen is below the navel level.

  • An incision is made slightly longer than the caesarean section in the bikini area, then the abdominal skin is lifted to the level of navel. The navel and higher parts are not interfered in the mini tummy tuck operation.

  • If necessary, the abdominal muscles in this area are also tightened with stitches.

  • If necessary, liposuction can be applied to the parts above the navel and the waist parts during the same operation.

  • The scar is shorter than the regular tummy tuck surgery, the operation takes less time, and the post-operative recovery is faster.

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Belt Lipectomy (Extended Tummy Tuck)


  • It is a procedure for skin sagging that occurs in the entire abdomen and around the waist after an excessive weight loss due to a bariatric surgery or natural reasons.

  • Excess skin is removed not only on the anterior abdominal wall but also on the waist and back.

  • The incision scar starts from the bikini area and circularly surrounds the whole lower body.

  • Technique is the same as in the regular tummy tuck operation.

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Recovery Process After the Operation

  • Approximately 3-4 hours after the operation, patients can stand up and walk with assistance, and the following day they can walk slowly without assistance.

  • Depending on the operating conditions, patients are discharged after 1-2 days.

  • Patients can take a bath 2-3 days after the operation and do their daily work by themselves.

  • With the approval of the doctor, patients can return to their work-life within 1-2 weeks.

  • After the operation, patients wear a special corset for 6 weeks. This corset is worn continuously and increases the success of the surgery by helping the abdomen to reach the desired form. Heavy sports activities should be avoided in this process, too.

  • Various creams can be used during the healing process of the surgical scar, it takes 1-2 years for the scars to take their final form. The surgical scar should be protected from the sun for at least 1 year.

  • Temporary loss of sensation in the abdominal skin is normal, gradually recovering within months.

Who are good candidates for a tummy tuck?

  • Women and men over the age of 18 who do not have any health problems,

  • Those who have excess skin sagging in the abdomen after excessive weight loss,

  • Those who have flabby abdominal muscles and have regional fat deposition problems,

  • It is applied to the people who have cracked skin and misshaped abdominal muscles. 

What Are the Advantages of Tummy Tuck?

  • Patients will have a tight and fit stomach after the tummy tuck operation.

  • Strong abdominal muscles and correct positioning of the belly button are obtained.

  • The structure of the damaged and sagging abdominal skin is recovered.

  • Diet and exercise programs are also very effective in reducing of total body fat, but they do not have any effect on skin sagging, especially after rapid weight changes.

  • The scar is usually not visible as it will be under the underwear area.

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Walk-through: What's next?

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First Contact

From the very first contact, we will explore your situation in-depth and start planning the path to the beauty.


Doctor Choice

We will bring you together with the best doctors in their fields for your special needs.



We will help you to plan your trip and give you advises on city tours.


Transport and Transfer

According to your operation plan, you will fly to Istanbul on the most convenient date for you. From then on, your transfers and appointments will be organized by us.


Operation Day

You will be in right hands to reveal your beauty on the date of the operation.



When you are ready after the operation, you will return to your home to enjoy your new life.

Walk-through: What's next?

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First Contact

From the very first contact, we will explore your situation in-depth and start planning the path to the beauty.


Doctor Choice

We will connect you with the best doctors in their fields for your special needs.



We will assist you to plan your trip and give you advises on city tours.


Transport and Transfer

Based on your operation schedule, you will fly to Istanbul on the most convenient date for you. From then on, your transfers and appointments will be arranged by us.


Operation Day

You will be in right hands to reveal your beauty on the date of the operation.



When your procedures are done, you will return home to enjoy your new life.

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