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Brow Lift

Length of Stay in Hospital
0-1 Day
Length of Stay in the City
3 Days
Recovery Duration
1-7 Days
Operation Duration
0.5-2 Hours
Type of Anesthesia
Local or General Anesthesia
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Eyebrow and forehead areas are the first places to get wrinkle in the aging process. There are various of brow lift methods to change the old and droopy appearance. While brow lift operations alone may be sufficient in young and middle-aged patients, it will be beneficial to add eyelid, forehead, and temple lifts operations in addition to brow lift at later ages.


With brow lift;

  • A more youthful and naturally awake appearance is achieved,

  • Wrinkles between forehead and eyes are reduced or completely disappeared,

  • Smoother and younger skin is obtained,

  • Droopy appearance of upper eyelids is reduced.

Non-Surgical Brow Lift Methods

Brow Lift with Botox: It is possible to improve both the frown and the tip of eyebrow with botox. This method aims to provide a natural and slight brow lift. Botulinum toxin is injected into predetermined points to lift the eyebrows. Since it is a non-surgical method, this procedure is completed in 5 to 10 minutes. Although it varies from person to person, it needs to be repeat every 4 to 6 months for continues effect.

Brow Lift with Filling: Loss of bone tissue on the face and melting in the adipose tissues of temple area may occur by aging. This causes the eyebrow position to go down over the time. Eyebrow can be lifted up by applying a filler on the bone tissue above the eyebrow. The effectiveness of this treatment lasts between 12 and 18 months.

Brow Lift with Thread: It is a technique that lift eyebrows by using different kind of thread according to patient’s need and physiology. Since no scar or incision is created, there will be no oedema and swelling. Thus, it allows the patient to return to daily life immediately. This method, which is applied with local anaesthesia, has a permanence of 24 to 48 months.


Advantages of brow lift with thread technique:

  • It does not require any incision,

  • There is no need for dressing and bandage,

  • It is possible to return to daily life immediately after the procedure,

  • The process takes about 15 minutes,

  • It gives vitality and freshness to the skin,

  • Its effect lasts longer than other non-surgical methods.

Surgical Brow Lift Methods

Endoscopic Brow Lift: Endoscopic temple and eyebrow lift operation is performed with the help of an endoscopic camera by making two incisions from the scalp in the temple area. The ligaments connecting of eyebrow’s tail, the temple area where adheres to its base, and the ligaments on the outer edge of eye are released by entering through these incisions. Thus, the eyebrow tail is pulled outwards and upwards in an upward stretching process, and the clumps and excess skin under the eyebrow tail are removed. The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and takes an average of 2 hours.

Brow Lift by Stretching: The new position of eyebrow and the incision areas are planned by drawing. An incision is made on the upper part of eyebrow and the determined skin is removed. Finally, the eyebrow and skin above are assembled and stitched. The only disadvantage of this operation, which is performed under local anaesthesia, is the incision mark on the eyebrow. However, many patients with excess skin prefer this method since there is no other method to remove the excess skin above the eyebrow. The doctor and the patient decide together which method will be preferred for the best result.

After Brow Lift:

  • Antibiotics and painkillers are started immediately after the operation to prevent infection.

  • If the operation is not combined with another procedure, patient will be discharged on the same day.

  • Aspirin and similar drugs, herbal and vitamin tablets are not used for 10 days since they increase the tendency to bleeding.

  • 1-2 days’ rest at home will be enough. Ice is applied to eyebrows and forehead at intervals during this period.

  • Patient can return to daily life in 2-3 days.

  • Some swelling and bruising are expected and these will disappear completely within 1 week.

  • You can start exercise after 1 week.

  • There may be mild pain for couple of days, but this pain can be easily managed with oral painkillers.

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Walk-through: What's next?

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First Contact

From the very first contact, we will explore your situation in-depth and start planning the path to the beauty.


Doctor Choice

We will connect you with the best doctors in their fields for your special needs.



We will assist you to plan your trip and give you advises on city tours.


Transport and Transfer

Based on your operation schedule, you will fly to Istanbul on the most convenient date for you. From then on, your transfers and appointments will be arranged by us.


Operation Day

You will be in right hands to reveal your beauty on the date of the operation.



When your procedures are done, you will return home to enjoy your new life.

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